Welcome Prof. Zhaoyao Shi, Beijing University of Technology, China to be the TPC!

Welcome Prof. Zhaoyao Shi, Beijing University of Technology, China to be the TPC!


Prof. Zhaoyao Shi, Beijing University of Technology


Dr. Shi Zhaoyao is currently Chair Professor of “Yangtze River Scholars Program”, the Ministry of Education, China. His activities involve gear engineering, metrology and instruments. He has 18-year industry and 20-year university experiences, including research work at the PTB of Germany and the Cranfield University, UK. He is a distinguished gear expert, a member of the ISO/TC60/WG2 (Gear), Vice-president of CGMA(China Gear Manufacturers Association) and Vice director of SAC/TC52 (Gears), China. He has been awarded among the China National, Provincial and Industrial Awards for his contributions to high-speed train gearbox, face gears drive, smart micro gearbox and mini MIM/PM gears. He is author or co-author of over 180 scientific papers and inventor of 62 patents.


石照耀,博士,教育部长江学者特聘教授/讲座教授,国务院特殊津贴专家,全国机械工业科技创新领军人才,中国齿轮行业科技领军人物,北京市战略科技人才;国际标准化组织齿轮技术委员会(ISO/ TC60)委员,国际机构学与机械科学联合会(IFToMM)中国委员;中国仪器仪表学会机械量测试仪器分会理事长,全国齿轮标准化技术委员会副主任委员。长期致力于精密测试技术和齿轮工程研究,在测试技术与仪器、精度理论与标准、微小齿轮与精密传动、精密机械和微小制造等方面,取得了一批创新成果,在重大装备上获得广泛应用,取得了良好的经济社会效益,推动了我国相关行业的发展。获国家科技进步奖二等奖2次、广东省科技进步奖一等奖1次、中国机械工业科学技术奖特等奖1次、一等奖2次、二等奖1次,2019年中国好设计金奖。